
Jenna Marink

Friday, May 2, 2014

J - Jesus Lover
E - Empathetic
N - Noble
N - Nurturing
A - Authentic


Oh my, where do I begin? I should probably start by stating Jenna is one of my absolute favorite people in the whole entire universe. Yes, whole entire.

{My favorite pic of her}

I've had the privilege of knowing {sweet} Jenna her entire life & most of mine. In fact, I even had the privilege to welcome her into this crazy world the day she made her first appearance. Our Mom told us recently I wasn't all too impressed with her when she first came home & quickly inquired when we could bring her back to the hospital. If only I had the power to go back in time to advise my younger self, I'd tell her that Jenna is one of the best things God has ever given me & she'd be the one I'd confide in most, the one I'd laugh & cry with most & the one I'd call my {Best Friend} for the rest of my life.

{The day I met Jenna}

If you know Jenna then you know she is the best kind of friend to have. Her huge heart is made of pure gold & her free spirit is contagious. She will be your biggest supporter & devoted confidant {but she won't pick up the phone & order a pizza for delivery for you. Don't even ask.}

{Standing in front of Mt. Rainier when we lived on opposite coasts}

For those who don't know, Jenna & I are sisters & about two & a half years apart. I'm older. It may not appear that way given our current seasons in life {she got married first, has kids, goes to bed WAY earlier than I do} but the secret's out. She my little sis & I wouldn't want it any other way.

{Jenna & her husband, Nick}

Many people have told me over the years they feel like Jenna looks up to me. What I don't think they realize is I look up to her in many ways. As aforementioned, she is a free spirit. I am a "by-the-books" kind of gal. She is a "spur-of-the-moment" decision maker. I am a "plan-it-out" & wait until the moment is just right believer. She is too trusting. I am a skeptic. She has been described as the "fun one". I've been described as the "serious one". {Do you see where I'm going with this?}

These traits are quite arguably mostly innate & I embrace our differences but I've always admired her qualities & wish I could be more like her.

{Breaking it down at a family wedding}

Jenna & I have always shared a closeness many do not understand. We joke often how we should have been twins. We finish each other's sentences. We know exactly what the other is thinking. We say the same things at the exact same time {and I'm talking off the wall things we could not have possibly planned to say}. And so, if I didn't have Jenna, half of me would be missing...

{Jenna & Nick's Rehearsal Dinner}
So what's the scoop on Jen? She has made me the proud Godmother of two beautiful children. She is quite possibly the best mother I have ever known. Her children come first & I wouldn't expect it to be any different. I can only hope & pray I will be half the mother she is to my unborn children.

{Cohban & Maddie Lu's Dedication Day}

She just had to pick the one college I absolutely despise for her studies. {I guess it makes for a fun Thanksgiving weekend especially when the Gators show the Seminoles what's up.}

{Jenna & two of her best friends from college}

She is a chocolate fanatic {she emptied me out after Valentine's Day}. I'm pretty sure if she didn't have a baby, she'd need a 12-step program for coffee. Don't forget the hazelnut! DO NOT {AND I REPEAT} DO NOT TOUCH OR EVEN LOOK AT HER ARMPITS. You may get hurt. Her house isn't always tidy but she fills her home with love. Her laundry isn't always caught up but she keeps her children warm. She writes a lot of stuff down but never seems to be able to find the list. She has a lot going on but somehow manages to keep it all together.

Isn't it funny how you can feel so much like someone and yet be so different? I think that's what I love most.
{Catching the bouquet at Mom & Paul's Wedding. Mom's only rule was "neither of my daughter's can catch the bouquet". Oops! We both did}

And so, I have to leave you with this... Jenna is the perfect partner for The Busy Bee. Heck, we've been partners all along. She brings a sense of lightheartedness to the mix & knows how to relate to our clients. She has an eye for design & continues to surprise me with her talents. She remembers every little detail without having to write it down & listens with the intent to understand, not to reply. She cares about the quality of the work she produces & I continuously see her go above & beyond for her clients. She is a hard worker & passionate about her trade. She makes me want to go to work every day. Yep! I love her!


  1. This is lovely, and beautifully written.

  2. this is beautiful. I don't know two people who are more deserving to be in each others lives. love u both.


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