
A Beautiful Mess

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

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Thanks for stopping by! We can’t even begin to explain the assortment of emotions pouring out of our hearts and onto this screen as we prepare to invite you in & share a piece of our world with you.
If we had to guess, you have a few questions on your mind that sound something like “What’s The Busy Bee all about and how did you all get started”? Quite frankly, the more and more we’ve been asked that question, it really got us thinking, “how’d we wind up here anyway’?
It’s funny because it all truly started a long, long time ago when we were both under four feet tall, adorning matching outfits and rocking our lifelike baby dolls to sleep. {We’ll be honest, we’ve been blessed by many of God’s good graces and one of the greatest of those is Sisterhood.} So, we’ve been through a lot together; including enduring those anguishing teenage years and unsightly fashion statements. But lucky for us, we survived {and grew to be exceptionally close & like-minded}.
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It didn’t really occur to us until recent years that we were destined to do this all along. Our family and some of our closest friends will attest to our creative nature and vast imaginations. We could transform a space {i.e. their living & dining rooms} into anything, really. Whether it was a restaurant, newsroom, shoe store, classroom or theatre, we didn’t miss a single detail. And Birthday parties? Forget it. Armed with a roll of streamers, a bag of balloons and a store bought banner {because that’s all we had to work with back then}, we worked our magic.
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Fast forward to many years later and we began asking ourselves what career path we were passionate about AND could enjoy together {because we just can’t get enough of one another. oh, our poor husbands!}. And wouldn’t you know, the answer was sitting right under our noses. It wasn’t clear as day when we began our discussion but luckily we looked past our very first business venture, Sterling Silver Sisters- a house cleaning service. Ha! We can barely keep our own houses in order these days so we’ll just leave that {brilliant} idea to the younger versions of ourselves and smile at the fact that we were entrepreneurs at such a young age.
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And then one day, in early 2013, it came to us. It was something we’d been doing all our lives; something we were in the middle of doing right then- planning one of our very owns’ wedding. When we nonchalantly mentioned the idea to close family, we were overwhelmed with encouragement and support and so, we began generating our business plan.
A few months later, Shannon said “goodbye” to the corporate world, Jenna bought a few new blazers and The Busy Bee Events & Design, LLC was born! With drive in our hearts and passion in our souls, we welcome you to take a peek inside and join us on our {long awaited} journey.
Through it all, we expect many laughs and quite a bit of hard work, sweat and {happy} tears. We expect countless ups and we expect a few downs. But really, we expect nothing at all. For, wherever this journey may take us, we expect nothing less than a beautiful mess.
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